Tuesday, January 5, 2010

my first lomo prints

So I just collected the first set of photos from my Diana F+. To be honest, I thought the photos would turn out way crappier. I got a feeling I put too much technicality into lomography, when it should really be a casual and mindless form of photography.

Things were in focus, and had the right colours, it was almost like any other 35mm photos. But here are my 3 favourites..

The prints actually look better, but I guess my hands are tied with this Dell scanner. It was surprising because I had trouble loading the 120 film for the first time. Believe it or not, I tore it twice, and had to tape it together. Thank God it tore before exposure number 1, and the film wasn't affected by me fixing it in a lit room.

I don't think I'm willing to fork out another stash of cash to produce Diana photos, unless it's for a really special occasion. The Diana Mini would probably be more practical, since processing and printing them would be way cheaper. I've also got a secret alternative that produces lomo-like photos. MUAHAHA!

All in all, I really enjoyed the experience. Not knowing how the photos would turn out, forgetting to switch the focus ring, the fear of using it for the first time, it was all very thrilling. I would love to do more of it but sadly, I'm no millionaire.


I was just surfin the net when I egotistically googled myself. Voila! Realised that strangers actually link me. WHICH IS AWESOME. Can't believe I've missed em. Wish they'd leave a few words in the tagbox or something.

ALSO! Remember that post I did on the PASAR MALAM? Just because I went with Sarah (who's from Desa Parkcity), they reposted my post! Oh wait I just found another one HERE.

No need permission wan meh? But I should be honoured. I guess.

Also, LAURANNE, thanks for the post! Didn't know my t-shirt looks so cool! I can't believe I didn't see the post earlier. Thanks for buying my tee! Lovin' the support.


Alvin said...

hahaha wow... the t looks so good in white too!!! hmmm... should i get another one? haha

chickenluck said...

Heya! how much does it cost to develop your 120mm films and where did you do it?

I had a problem trying to know when to start snapping photos. Followed youtube tutorials and asked the shops but i still didn't know when the film would start.

Then only i realisedthat i had to wind it more.

Schmae said...

What coincidence! I just developed my first set of Lomo film too. :)

Too bad it didnt quite turn out as expected though. Needs ALOT more of getting use to. Heh.

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